Japanese universities have been globally recognized with outstanding research achievements which are focused on science and technology.
On the other hand, it is said that there are issues to be solved in accepting students, educators, and researchers from overseas educational institutions.
With the globalization of universities, people with various cultures and diverse backgrounds learn together and make new intellectual discoveries, and significant growth can be expected not only in knowledge and skills but also in personality.
In addition, among the rapidly globalized society and industry, the universities' education and research system are required to enhance global competitiveness which is one of the important elements supporting the development of society.
The Center for the Promotion of Global Cooperation which consists of three divisions was established in 2014 under these circumstances.
Division of International Research Network promotes the establishment of a worldwide research network as well as organizes and promotes various student exchange programs.
Division of Advancement of International Engineering Education transfer technologies and outstanding education and research system to the overseas universities where engineering education is underdeveloped, in order to enhance its engineering education and promote advanced research.
Division of Recycling-Based Society Project in Asia and Africa conducts international joint research and development as well as nurturing of engineering researchers and technologists in the recycling-based society in Asian and African region.
Through these projects, we support students to become globally active engineers and researchers by enforcing of cooperative learning/projects among graduate students and overseas students.

Director, Center for the Promotion of Global Cooperation
Hiroshi Matsuda