Graduate School of Engineering

Educational Content

Master`s degree
Department of
Advanced Engineering
This course provides educational programs to foster advanced technical experts and researchers who can respond to global issues of basic industries. Students acquire a wide-ranging interdisciplinary knowledge, deep expertise, technological creativity, presentation skills, and enterprising spirit.
Mechanical Engineering
This program aims cultivate students to acquire advanced engineering basics and advanced practical skills as well as applied skills to flourish internationally with having a wide-ranging perspective such as "Machines for Human life", "Machines for the Environment".
Electrical and Electronic
Engineering Program
Acquiring the basic knowledge of the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, as well as more advanced highly specialized knowledge, practical skills, and applied skills to flourish internationally.
Computer and Information
Science Program
Acquiring the problem solving ability with deep knowledge of Engineering Theory of Computer and Information Science, as well as the knowledge of hard ware, software, and applications related to wide-range of field.
Structural Engineering
This program fosters advanced professional engineers and researchers to correspond to the needs of Structural Engineering field in industrial society, by acquiring advanced specialized knowledge with an international perspective.
Civil and Environmental
Engineering Program
Acquiring of certain basics of Engineering, broad expertise related to Civil Engineering, as well as high thinking ability and analytical capability.
Chemistry and Materials
Engineering Program
Based on the acquirement of both profound knowledge of natural science and expertise knowledge of chemistry and materials, promote active participation in the interdisciplinary area.
Doctoral Degree
(3 year Program)
Department of Science
and Technology
Providing with the educational curriculum of fused fields of Science and Technology related to mechanical systems, social infrastructure and environmental systems, information systems, chemistry and material science and electrical and electronic systems, as well as learn-by-doing teaching by collaborations between industry and academia, students acquire the knowledge of broad field of engineering  issue-exploring and resolving abilities and communication skills for global activity.
Doctoral Degree
(5 Year Program)
Department of Advanced
Technology and Science for
Sustainable Development
Acquiring a broad perspective, deep expertise, and enhanced research capability in the highly specialized fields of science and technology of both devices systems (Next Generation Energy System Program), and the high performance materials (Advanced Functional Materials Program) in order for the effective use of energy and the sustainable development of society to be realized.
* Scroll the table horizontally.