International Research Activities

Strategic Young Researcher Overseas Visit Program for Accelerating Brain Circulation

Outline of this program

The aim of this program is to train outstanding researchers to become the core of the international collaborative research network for the academic promotion of our country.
This program is designed to provide challenging opportunities for young researchers who are engaged in world class collaborative research aligned with the international research strategy of their respective research organization.

Outline of the Strategic Young Researcher Overseas Visit Program

Dispatch Member

Name Position Field Research Purpose Host Institution Duration
Daisaku Sakaguchi Associate Professor System Science Developing high-efficiency equipment

Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics

(Kingdom or Belgium)
Takeshi Yanai Assistant Professor Material Development of innovative energy-saving materials Monash University, (Australia) 2012.03.25~
Kotaro Sonoda Assistant Professor System Science Development of new measurement technology for energy conversion equipment

Adam Mickiewicz University

Tsutomu Fukuda Assistant Professor Chemistry and Materials Science Development of innovative energy-saving processes

Max-Planck-Institut fȕr Kohlenforschung

Tomohiko Yamaguchi Associate Professor Material Development of energy utilization technology University of Nottingham (England) 2012.08.18~
Bo Li Assistant Professor System Science Innovation of safety technology of energy system Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) 2012.09.25~
Koki Urita Assistant Professor Device Developing new electrode Universitè Paul Sabatier (France) 2013.04.01~
Suguru Motokucho Assistant Professor Device Development of Novel Bio-based Polymer Synthesis Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherland) 2013.05.25~
* Scroll the table horizontally.